
Dr. Sarada Balagopalan has authored an article, “Why Historicize Rights Subjectives? Children’s Rights, Compulsory Schooling, and the Deregulation of Child Labor in India”

Dr. SARADA BALAGOPALAN (associate professor, FASC-childhood studies) has authored an article, “Why Historicize Rights Subjectivities? Children’s Rights, Compulsory Schooling, and the Deregulation of Child Labor in India” that appeared in Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research. She also has been named as a Wolf Humanities Center Regional Fellow for the 2019-20 Forum on Kinship… continue reading

Ph.D. Student Joseph V. Giunta publishes a chapter in Child and Youth Agency in Science Fiction: Travel, Technology, Time

PhD Student Joseph V. Giunta has a chapter entitled “Why Are You Keeping This Curiosity Door Locked?”: Childhood Subjectivities and Play as Conflict Resoultuion in the Postmodern Web Series Stranger Things in Child and Youth Agency in Science Fiction: Travel, Technology, Time due to be released in November.  For more information click here.