Dual-Degree Program

The Childhood Studies offers engaged, qualified undergraduates the opportunity to earn a master’s degree in Childhood Studies while they are completing their bachelor’s degree. All BA/MA programs at Rutgers University Camden offer students excellent value, as students can earn graduate credit at the cost of undergraduate courses. The BA/MA Dual Degree in Childhood Studies offers the following benefits:

Students who are interested in direct service professions focused on children and youth – in education, social work, counseling, health care, and juvenile justice, among other fields – will find their employment prospects enhanced in a competitive job market.

Undergraduates who plan to pursue PhD research on children and youth – in anthropology, sociology, history, English literature, and psychology, among other disciplines – will earn graduate credits and have the opportunity to kick-off their research program.  Some students may, of course, choose to apply to the department of Childhood Studies for PhD work.

There is no typical path that BA/MA students follow, but it is important to meet with the Director of Graduate Studies by the fall of your junior year. If your undergraduate courses in Childhood Studies have excited you; if you find that the department’s courses are the ones you are looking forward to each week; if you believe that there is much more to learn about the lives of children and youth, then the BA/MA in Childhood Studies may well be an excellent option for you.

Visit the Graduate School site for more about the dual-degree program.