
PhD Student Palak Vashist recently published an article in the Living Histories Journal, “Age as a Historical Category of Analysis: A Study of Bombay Textile Mills in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century”

Abstract This work utilises archival methods to examine the processes of identification authorized by the colonial state to establish the certification routine for children employed in the textile mills of Bombay in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Specifically, this project will investigate how colonial administrative and bureaucratic policies, along with the legal regulation… continue reading

PhD Student Smruthi Bala Kannan published an article in Children’s Geographies journal, “Clean bodies in school: spatial-material discourses of children’s school uniforms and hygiene in Tamil Nadu, India”

  Abstract: Schoolchildren’s embodied subjectivity has often been understood as a bio-political tool to ‘clean up’ and modernize poor and marginalized communities. In many post-colonial contexts, school uniforms frequently appear as visual symbols of a child’s clean, schooled body and democratic access to education. Through ethnographic research with 10–14-year-old schoolchildren in urbanizing areas in northern Tamil… continue reading

Dr. Dan Cook published “Vernacular Faith” in the Winter 2022 issue of Contexts magazine

Prof. Dan Cook published “Vernacular Faith,” a photo essay on small houses of worship and community transition in North Philadelphia in the Winter 2022 issue of Contexts magazine, a publication of the American Sociological Association.  Abstract This photographic essay sets out to represent a sense of place-making in several North Philadelphia neighborhoods, predominately inhabited by… continue reading

Dr. Dan Cook’s The Moral Project of Childhood was featured in a review essay in the Winter 2022 issue of the Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth

Here is a brief excerpt of the content: This is an extended review that emanated out of a reading club, which developed around this book as a result of pandemic restrictions and new possibilities. The approach was to reflect upon each chapter from the perspective of what Cook’s work adds to each of the participants’… continue reading

PhD Student Ketaki Prabha coauthored an article published in Children’s Geographies

Congratulations to PhD student Ketaki Prabha on her coauthored article published in Children’s Geographies: “Decontextualized schooling and (child) development: Adivasi communities’ negotiations of early childhood care and education and schooling provisions in India.” ABSTRACT This paper examines the assimilatory politics of modern schooling as embodied in the spatial and temporal logics of the state’s educational… continue reading