
New Reference Book on Childhood Studies

Scholarly Resources for Children and Childhood Studies (Scarecrow Press, 2007) is a new book by Vibiana Bowman (CCCS associate and reference librarian, Robeson Library, Rutgers-Camden). Ms. Bowman’s new reference book features contributions from some of the leading scholars in the interdisciplinary field of children and childhood studies (CCS). As the field of CCS continues to evolve… continue reading

Crafting the Interdisciplinary Field of Childhood Studies

Attached is an editorial on the interdisciplinary field of childhood studies which appeared in the journal Childhood: A journal of global child research, Vol 14 (2): 147-152, Spring 2007. >>> read the article (pdf) Our department of childhood studies is mentioned.

Rutgers to Launch Nation’s First Childhood Studies Degree-Granting Programs at its Camden Campus

NEWARK, N.J. – The nation’s first doctoral degree-granting program in childhood studies will be launched at Rutgers University’s Camden campus beginning fall 2007. The creation of a childhood studies department at Rutgers-Camden, which will award bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees, was approved by the Rutgers Board of Governors during its meeting today on the Newark… continue reading